



That´s me! I´m Armin Rose, aged 34, and a qualified entomologist from Oldenburg (Oldb)/Germany. My PhD thesis, which has been finished last year (2000), deals with rove beetles of the East Frisian Islands (German Bight).

My earliest studies of beetles began in my school days (early 80´s) with collecting and drawing many species (together with a close friend of mine). These studies were shortly interrupted in the first years at the University of Oldenburg (studying other facets of Biology). Later I rediscovered my interest for these insects, especially for the rove beetles. Since 1992 I am a member of the Terrestrial Ecology Working Group of Prof. Dr. Volker Haeseler and wrote my diploma thesis in 1994 on the Staphylinidae of Memmert Island. I´m also member of the `beetles working group´ at the Uebersee-Museum in Bremen.

From 1999 to 2001 I had a 2-year-contract at the `Landesmuseum für Natur und Mensch´ in Oldenburg, where I rearranged the rove beetles (more than 26.000 specimen) of the collection `Georg Kerstens´, one of the best experts on the beetles of Northwestern Germany. Furthermore I built up an exhibition on regional and global species richness (Schatzkammer Artenvielfalt - das unentdeckte Land) which can be visited from 9/9/2001 until 18/11/2001 in Oldenburg.

I am especially interested in the faunistics of the Northwestern German rove beetles. My second field of interest is a logical consequence of my work with large data sets: the adequate statistical analysis of ecological data sets (particularly those collected with pitfall traps, which need special treatment).

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